Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Soccer Equipment - The Perfect Tools to Improve Your Game

!±8± Soccer Equipment - The Perfect Tools to Improve Your Game

"Leave Your Opponents in a Spin"

When you have good soccer equipment nothing can keep you, or your squad, from improving. Unless you don't use it. After all, where would a great artist be without his paints, brush, and canvas?


When you pair the right soccer equipment with excellent soccer drills you can make great improvement of your talents, or the skills of your team. More talent, better results, Yes?

So let's check out...

What's out there?

When it comes to soccer training equipment there are many advanced tools to get the most out of any soccer player, and improve the level of skill.Soccer Balls!The game of soccer revolves around that perfectly round soccer ball. Soccer balls have different sizes based on the age level of the players that use them. They also differ in color scheme and design. We all know we need to increase our endurance to play soccer, but without ball skills you are just a runner.

Soccer Bags!An easy to carry bag for all those soccer balls is a good investment. Who likes having all those balls flying around in your vehicle?

And what about...

Carrying all of your soccer gear. Just find a great design and a bag that will set you apart, or show your support for your favorite soccer club. It's okay to be an individual while being a strong piece of your soccer team puzzle.

Improve Your Agility!You can improve this part of your game with agility ladders that lay flat on the ground, or agility poles that stick in the ground. They are great for slalom practice. Or you can use cones on the ground, but when using poles it is more realistic. It shows that there is really an opponent in your way. Banana Steps and hurdles are 2 other tools that will improve your agility.

Soccer Goals

Soccer goals come in a variety of different sizes for different purposes.

The full size goal is available for regulation sized soccer fields. However, there are a variety of sizes available for practicing small-sided games and for youth soccer. These include portable soccer goals and indoor soccer goals of various sizes that depend on the size of the indoor site. Soccer goals will usually come complete with a soccer net so make sure that you check that out .

Other Choices!There are many other soccer equipment items available for soccer training. These choices can include but are not limited to:

Training Chutes Kicking Trainers Soccer Corner Flags Medicine Balls Soccer Tennis Nets Soccer Mannequins Soccer ReboundersEach one has its place in your training program.

Remember that the best piece of equipment that you can have is your mind. Staying focused on improving your game will provide faster and more effective benefits than all the soccer equipment you can buy.

Soccer Equipment - The Perfect Tools to Improve Your Game

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Monday, October 17, 2011

6 Fun Exercises You Can Do To Lose Weight

!±8± 6 Fun Exercises You Can Do To Lose Weight

We know that exercise is important to lose weight. We also know that this is easier said than done. The hardest thing about exercise is sticking to a routine. People do not stick to a routine for many reasons. The routine exercises are boring and take up too much time. Here are some simple but fun exercises that you can do to lose weight.

# 1. Go for Group Walk

The best thing about walking is you and your buddy friends can walk anywhere and everywhere. Lucy Knight, author of Walking for Weight Loss says that the benefits of walking are countless. You use pretty much the same muscles as running - strengthening the hamstring, quadriceps, iliopsoas muscles at the front of the hips, calf and the gluteus maximus muscles with each stride but the activity is far kinder to the joints. A daily stroll can boost your health besides the calories burn.

# 2. Bicycle riding

Go bicycle cycling around your garden or your neighborhood. Pedaling is fun, challenging and offers a great social event. There is no age limit no formal training necessary and everyone from young to old can do it. Cycling gets you to more places and what a great way to get some fresh air and a good workout. A 30 minute session can help you to burn anything from 80 or more extra calories depending on your speed and body weight.

# 3. Try a Trampoline

Rebounding in a trampoline is a fun and effective way to lose calories. Do this while watching your favorite television show or watching over your kids. As this is a low impact exercise there is no danger of hurting your joints and places less strain on other parts of the body. Rebounding as exercise has been studied by the space agency NASA and found to be 68% more oxygen efficient than other forms of exercise. Regular use of a rebounder has shown to increase our basal metabolic rate and aid in weight loss management.

# 4. Take up a sport game

Play your favorite game such as tennis or table tennis with your buddy and both can enjoy a game without worrying about the weather. After some twenty minutes, your hearts will be racing and you will feel good all over. Go back to your active lifestyle in your college days and start playing again. In no time, you will find that your social life will improve along with your weight loss.

# 5. Go for a Dance

Even if you do not dance well, it is not too late to go for a dance with your spouse or your friend. Join a dance class and have some fun. The popular salsa dancing is a fantastic way to give your body a real aerobic workout and burn up all those extra calories. Dancing takes the work out of exercise and replaces it with fun. Lessons can be taken alone, but are more fun with a partner. Dancing is cheap and convenient. All you need is a body with an eagerness to have some fun.

# 6. Try the Boxing workout

You can achieve weight loss, muscle tone and improved fitness out of a boxing workout. A boxing workout is great for toning your butts, thighs and the muscles in your arms. Join a class near your area to learn the right technique to punch properly. The exercise will help you to achieve a total workout for your body as part of your weight loss reduction program.

Exercising can be fun if you are serious to look for it. When you find an exercise that you love, stick with it. Losing weight is not just exercise alone but along with the right intake of diet, you can achieve success.

6 Fun Exercises You Can Do To Lose Weight

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Swimmer's Shoulder - Prevention and Rehabilitation

!±8± Swimmer's Shoulder - Prevention and Rehabilitation

Competitive swimmers train an average of ten to twenty thousand yards per day. At eight to ten arm cycles per twenty-five yards, this leads to nearly one million shoulder rotations per week. It’s no wonder studies have shown the lifetime incidence of shoulder injury in competitive swimmers is over 70%.

The most common shoulder injury incurred in swimmers is “swimmer’s shoulder.” This syndrome is a combination of any of the following: rotator cuff or bicipital tendonitis, subacromial bursitis, shoulder impingement, and glenohumeral joint instability. It is not simply a condition of overuse; the repetitive use must be combined with some other aggravating factor, such as supraspinatus or biceps avascular tendinosis, impingement syndrome, labral injury, or instability due to ligamentous laxity or muscular dysfunction.

Muscle Imbalances and Scapular DysfunctionThe most common problem leading to swimmer’s shoulder is a weak serratus anterior. This increases the rhomboid activity, which leads to anterior impingement of the biceps and supraspinatus tendons. The serratus anterior also attaches to the scapula, which is the link in the kinetic chain from the legs and trunk to the shoulder. In fact, scapular dysfunction is present in 68% of all rotator cuff problems. For every two degrees the glenohumeral joint moves, the scapula should move one degree.

ImpingementImpingement occurs when the soft tissues of the subacromial space (supraspinatus tendon, tendon of the long head of the biceps, and the subacromial bursa) are compressed between the head of the humerus, the coracoacromial arch, and the anterior acromion. Inflammation of these tissues worsens the impingement. Impingement is common in swimmers, volleyball players, baseball pitchers, and tennis players, due to increased overhead movements. Poor flexibility in the shoulders can lead to increased impingement symptoms. It is also caused by prolonged postural stresses, such as sitting at a computer for work.

Shoulder LaxityThe rotator cuff holds the humeral head, preventing anterior and superior movement. Common causes of instability are shoulder hypermobility, increased internal rotation and adduction strengths, overuse, overuse of hand paddles while swimming, technique flaws, and decreased core strength. Instability leads to subluxation, and, combined with repetition, leads to inflammation and pain, which leads to scarring, which leads to more inflammation, pain, and dysfunction.

Prevention and Rehabilitation: Technique ChangesSwimming technique needs to incorporate body rotation with core strength, early catch, early exit, and straight-through arm pulls. Thumb-first hand entry stresses the biceps attachment to the labrum, leading to impingement. Hand entry that crosses the midline leads to anterior impingement. Asymmetric body roll and unilateral breathing both cause a compensatory crossover, which increase the risks of impingement. Proper, symmetrical body roll decreases most impingement risks. Other technique contributors are improper head position, forward shoulders, and scapular instability (see Strengthening section). Stretching, proper warm-up, and preventive strengthening must also be incorporated into practices.

Prevention and Rehabilitation: StrengtheningStrengthening, both for injury prevention and rehabilitation, must focus on stretching the strong groups of muscles and strengthening the weak ones. Shoulder injury is prevented first by core stabilization and then by scapular stabilization. Strengthening should focus on endurance of the serratus anterior, lower trapezius, and subscapularis, as well as taking into account the strength ratio of the internal and external rotators. Stretching should focus on the pectoralis major and minor, the posterior shoulder capsule, and the latissimus dorsi. Core strengthening should focus on the lower abdominals and increased pelvic control.

Exercises to include in a swimmer’s routine include: scapular elevation with the thumbs up and arms thirty degrees forward; push-up plus; rowing with scapular retraction and palms rotated up; reverse push-ups; unilateral shoulder shrugs; horizontal abduction; and shoulder abduction. Sport-specific exercises include ball throws with a rebounder, punching, and PNF 2 maneuvers. Athletes can also use an ergometer to work these muscles. These exercises should be done with low weights, 1-3 sets with 25-30 repetitions, or to fatigue. When these exercises can be done without pain, gradually increase the weight in one-pound increments. This routine should be done either after swimming, or as an isolated workout session, to decrease injury risk. Core strengthening exercises can be done any time.

For the internal and external shoulder rotators, isolated exercises have been shown to emphasize better muscular recruitment. If the external: internal rotation strength ratio is 70-80%, focus on internal rotation strengthening. If it is less than 70%, focus on the external rotators. When the ratio is 60-65%, replace the isolated movement with dynamic exercises, such as pull-ups, latissimus dorsi pull downs, overhead presses, reverse pull-ups, and push-ups. All of these exercises will enhance glenohumeral stability. They should be done with 3-7 sets of 8-15 repetitions, with 2-4 minutes of rest between sets.

ConclusionApproaches to prevention and active rehabilitation of swimmer’s shoulder are essentially the same: correct improper technique; stretch the tight musculature of the chest and anterior shoulder; strengthen the core musculature and the scapular stabilizers; and reduce strength imbalances in the shoulder rotators. Coaches and rehabilitation providers need to work together with these athletes in order to prevent future injury and correct problems that may already be present.

References:Beneka, Anastasia, Ph.D., Nickos Aggleoussis, Ph.D., Konstatinos Gramnakopoulos, Ph.d., and Georgios Godolias, MD. “Identifying and Treating Rotator Cuff Imbalances.” Strength and Conditioning Journal, Apr 2006: 92-95. Brumitt, Jason, MSPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS*D, and Erik Meira, PT, CSCS. “Scapula Stabilization Rehab Exercise Prescription.” Strength and Conditioning Journal, June 2006: 62-65. Johnson, James N., MD, Jason Gauvin, PT, ATC, and Michael Fredercison, MD. “Stronger Shoulders for Swimmers.” The Physician and Sports Medicine, Jan 2003. Online at Johnson, James N., MD, Jason Gauvin, PT, ATC, and Michael Fredericson, MD. “Swimming Biomechanics and Injury Prevention.” The Physician and Sports Medicine. Online at King, Mark, DC. “Impingement Syndrome.” Dynamic Chiropractic, Oct 2005: 28. Koehler, Scott M., MD, and David C. Thorson, MD. “Swimmer’s Shoulder: Targeting Treatment.” The Physician and Sports Medicine, Nov 1996. Online at Kurtz, James T., DC, DACRB, CCSP, CSCS. “A Chiropractic Case Report in the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Swimmer’s Shoulder.” Journal of the American Chiropractic Association, Oct 2004: 32-38.

Swimmer's Shoulder - Prevention and Rehabilitation

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What kind of shoes should I put on a mini trampoline?

!±8± What kind of shoes should I put on a mini trampoline?

The advantage of a mini-trampoline is that it can be used externally and internally. This raises the question in particular: what kind of shoes to be the best? Want to wear your shoes in particular trampoline pad? If it were not for safely skip barefoot? How about socks?

We are here to answer this question once and for all so you can increase your comfort and safety.

Let's start by covering the shoes, we recommend that you use for yoursmall trampoline. Of course, you should first check with a document that has come to rebounding is related to certain manufacturer's guidelines.

A series of tennis, running, or cross-training shoes are ideal for working on a small trampoline. Do you have enough traction on the non-slip soles, so you do not do, but are still soft enough to not damage the top layer pad over time. In addition, these types of shoes very supportive for people who have littleArcs, or maybe if your feet hurt after playing on the trampoline small. These types of footwear are designed to bounce, you can stay fixed while jumping their way towards your fitness goals.

Much better, no sneakers shoes are compared. Your bare feet, with a natural non-slip soles come. It will also be able to subtle changes in the surface of the mini-trampoline that you can get used to experience changes in the sequence of jump. AlsoBouncing on his bare feet can help the muscles of the foot, which are not otherwise used while wearing shoes would do. It really depends on the comfort and decide whether to wear tennis shoes or choose to let your bare feet.

An ideal compromise between barefoot and shoes in the form of Vibram Five Fingers shoes come. It sounds strange, but surely with the non-slip grip to provide a shoe with the flexibility of the general and subtle movements that are involved withrecovered in bare feet!

What security reasons, it is our recommendation that you use when using a small trampoline. They also extend the life of your trampoline by adding the following suggestions.

While it may be tempting to go with the socks, in particular when the exercise at home, is a bad idea. The stockings to the bottom of the feet with no real support in any way. The top of the trampoline is also simple. In addition, the proven fact that you will jumpand twisting on the trampoline and is a recipe for disaster.

If we have not mentioned earlier in this post, then it probably is not wise to bring on a mini trampoline. We discuss things like flip flops, sandals, cleats, boots, shoes, high heels, slip-on can go much longer list. Use common sense and stick to bare feet or shoes with soft soles, while the recovery. It will ensure that you, like your last years in the trampolineFuture.

What kind of shoes should I put on a mini trampoline?

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