Wednesday, September 28, 2011

4 double chin exercises

!±8± 4 double chin exercises

In this day and age, if your appearance can often determine the popularity and attraction, is only to be expected that you spend more money and time, the eponymous skin products beauty treatments, which worked. But most important of all these things work on the fitness regime.

A double chin can spoil the coolest look for example. It can cause weight gain or aging are caused or even a sudden inheritance. And 'the result of accumulation of fat in the layer under theSkin, making it the lowering of the skin. Some common factors that can further help are the same:

* Bad posture: Incorrect posture, a shuffling again to the accumulation of fat in various places in the body.
* Weight gain.
* Fluid may accumulate in the body to perform in a double chin.
* As you get older it is natural for the skin to lose their chin and tell me what in bags under the eyes and double, etc.

But equally important to know the cause of yourDouble chin is to know how to get rid of it. Here are four double chin exercises which not only easy, but it has proven to be very effective.

1 Keep your head straight. Open your mouth wide. Move your lower jaw so that the teeth touch your lower jaw from the upper lip. Return it to its original position. Repeat. You can do these exercises in groups of 10-15, to begin with. You can certainly do a double chin exercise up to four times a day.

2 Keep your headan angle so that the chin is high. Open and close the mouth (as is done during chewing), but much larger. Ideally, you should contract the throat muscles relax and each time it opens and closes the mouth. You can do this exercise double chin in groups of 15-30, up to four times a day.

Standing 3. Lay your head on a smooth and hard as a wall. Stand still for a few seconds. Pressure on the surface through the front. You feel the muscles of the neck. Tighten Repeat the exercise for both sides of the head. You can do this double chin exercise 2-3 times a day.

4 Lift the chin at an angle. Place the index and middle fingers under the chin. You can also use a tennis ball instead. The idea is to create a resistance against the free movement of muscles in the region. Press your tongue against the lower jaw line. If you exercise properly, then the pressure is felt on the fingers. Keep the longer youpossible. Relax for 10 seconds and repeat. You can do this exercise 4-5 times a day.

This 4 double chin exercises have proved very effective, but can vary from person to person. The most important thing is not to be discouraged and stay focused.

4 double chin exercises

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