Thursday, September 8, 2011

The principles of Pilates movement

!±8± The principles of Pilates movement

Joseph Pilates called his system of exercises Contrology. This is the title of the book he wrote. It was the art of controlled movements and aware.

These movements would be a balanced, healthy body. And a balanced, healthy body would move in a controlled and conscious.

The first concept is the stability / motion. A part of you move, but the rest of the body remains still, to balance and stabilize the part that moves. The more muscles you canmaintain stable, the most effective and efficient moving part can do its job. And it is important to recognize that the act of keeping the rest of the body is still stable and in addition to working the muscles the muscles of the moving part of the movement worked.

The next resistance / opposition. This helps to strengthen and stretch the body.

You can also use strikes as the movement of various parts of the body influence each other, while passing through a PilatesTraining. It also helps to have muscles in motion and strength more effectively.

Articulation refers to move them together. The more you can stretch your bones, is more flexible your body.

The balance refers to the maintenance of equilibrium by a force you out of balance. Some Pilates exercises and to use force to help develop the muscles.

If you apply these concepts through a full range of motion as you are with your bodyPiece of exercise equipment.

However, Pilates is more advanced than simple "body weight" exercises, which also give your body the strength of your muscles, in its insistence on the careful, controlled movement, and, taking into account the development of the whole body from the top of the head to the toes, and does so in a bilateral and balanced. This is different from sports like golf and tennis, to develop a part at the expense of others. Be for your body in balance,You need to move with grace and efficiency of your core or power for all parties.

Many people have physical discomfort and pain because they are usually out of balance and out of alignment. They stand with their weight on one foot or the other. They stand with shoulders drooping. They are knock-kneed or bowlegged. I'm usually with her weight on the side or the other. She habitually slouch when standing. Or from break-in, if they are seated.

A good Pilates teacher canyou get to look like when you move, and know what you should begin to make your body moving into balance, posture back and keep the spine in alignment.

The principles of Pilates movement

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